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10 Things to Do Before Selling Your House

The real estate market is in a state of flux, and whether you’re a seller or a buyer it pays to be savvy. You want to make sure you’re getting the most for your property while selling it quickly and easily – a feat that may seem impossible, given all the red tape that goes into a real estate transaction. But it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think! Here are some tips for getting your property ready to sell fast.

Sell Your Home with

Get Your Property Appraised

This essential step should be completed sooner rather than later. No matter what the current state of your home may be, you have to know what it’s worth. This is important not just because it will decide how much you choose to sell your house for, but how you’ll manage your next steps. How much money do you need for wherever life is taking you? Are you downsizing, but moving to a larger, more expensive city? Do you need to sell before you can buy your next place? All of this will determine how the rest of the process will unfold, so you’ll want to be sure you know just where you stand.

Fix that Fixer-Upper

Social media is overrun with footage of young couples eagerly carrying out DIY renovations on their new homes. What you don’t see are the pricey repairs often necessary afterward. The prospect of hefty repair bills may scare off many prospective buyers, and you can’t bank on ambitious and clueless young candidates, so your best bet is to have your place in the best condition possible before listing it. That means finally taking care of any much-needed upgrades and ensuring that everything is up to code. Trust us, you’ll thank us later.

Size Up the Competition

This sounds more…well, “competitive” than strictly necessary, but it’s an important step before moving on to the next one. Get a good idea of what similar homes in your area are selling for, whether that means going through a realtor or combing sites like zillow or even craigslist.

Set a Realistic Price

Are you done with that comparison work? Good! Now you should have a good idea of what a realistic price for your home might be. And with the work you’ve put into any necessary repairs and upgrades, that should be a good, fair price. You shouldn’t just know your property’s value – you should know its worth. That means considering opportunities for growth as well as other factors like proximity to shopping, entertainment, and school systems.

Have Your Paperwork in Order

Banks have done a good job of outlining some of the documentation you’ll want to have on hand before listing your home for sale. In addition to the original sales contract, it’s a good idea to have your insurance records accessible in addition to age and warranty paperwork for your HVAC, electrical, and other essential systems. You’ll want to have kept documentation for all those repairs and updates you had done recently, in addition to any relevant permits. Oh, and you should probably warn your buyers if they’ll be contending with an HOA, of course.

Stage Your Home

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Is your paperwork in order? Great! Now the time has come to stage your home for sale. That means presenting it at its very best. Make sure to declutter in order to highlight the spaciousness of the location. Keep your home clean and tastefully decorated, though of course, “taste” is subjective. A scented plug-in can do wonders for making the space feel welcoming without running the risk of burning it down with a perfumed candle. Keep the temperature reasonable, and ensure all light fixtures are operational and have working lightbulbs. Take out the trash, while you’re at it. If it sounds like you’re trying to make your house resemble a model home…well, that’s exactly what you’re doing. The goal is to present something like a simple canvas that a potential homeowner can see the potential in. Which means….

Get Some Good Pictures

You’re going to need some good pictures. Hire a professional, or take the DIY approach. It’s been done before, and with some success – even if it means a costumed horror villain lurking at the edge of your shots. Hey, you have to give some sellers points for creativity.

Screen Prospective Buyers

If this stage seems like it can be complicated, it’s because it is. Are you dealing with potential sellers and/or their banks personally, or going through an intermediary like an attorney? Are you hosting an open house, or making your property available for viewings by appointment only? There’s an easy solution to all of this, of course. We’ll get to that later.

Weigh Your Offers

Another complicated step, and one you’ll have to give careful thought to as you debate financing options. These days it isn’t uncommon to find cash offers on the table. But will they be enough to get you where you’re going? That’s another question entirely. But of course, all of this can be avoidable if you…

Hire a Skilled and Experienced Realtor

America's Finest Property Management

Spare yourself the time and the headache and find someone to work for and advocate for you and your property. A licensed and experienced realtor like Hector Ruiz can make sure that your property is ready for sale, and that only the most qualified prospective buyers are viewing it. In addition to screening these potential buyers, he can help you weigh your options and settle on the best purchase price for you and your future. After all, this might be the biggest deal of your life. You want to entrust it to the most capable hands possible. That’s where America’s Finest Property Management comes in. So contact us for a consultation today!



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